Monday, April 19, 2010

Task 9

Okay, I have to admit, I was pretty suspicious about this thing.  I dropped off on my Pi 2.0 work because I just couldn't get myself excited about it for some reason.  Perhaps it had something to do with Spring Break being so close at hand!

Anyway, now that I'm back and more open-minded, I can definitely see its advantages.  Rather than roaming through Google, I am able to narrow things down.  Plus, once I have found a good website, it's there for me, rather than trying to remember where I found it the year before.

So far, I've mostly used my account to locate grammar websites.  I like being able to tag them with grammar but also the specific topic, such as "diagramming", "commas", or "common errors".  The advantages of then being able to look at other people's accounts are clear.  The other thing I like about it is that you can do a little at a time, rather than having to devote hours to just setting up bookmarks - when I have a few minutes, I can add a couple; and my list just grows!

So let's just say I'm a convert!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Jennifer!
    I'm glad you found delicious useful. On the surface, it is extremely helpful for people who work from multiple computers (especially once you take the time to set it all up to your likings). However, I think the more you use it, the more valuable a tool you will find it to be.
